Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kirby Hubbard must think I'm stupid

Who is Kirby Hubbard? Probably a fake name of the person trying to pull this ridiculously blatant scam.

Some quick background first. If you don't care about understanding things and just want the funny, skip this paragraph. I use Amazon's Mechanical Turk to make a few bucks when I'm bored. For those of you who don't know what that is (probably everyone) its a site where people can post work they need done and random people can do it to make a few dollars. Most people pay dirt cheap. I don't do dirt cheap. Some of it is actually probably cheaper than dirt. Dirt can get pricy.

Anyways, so i was checking the site today for any new jobs worth doing. There was one for $51.16. Huge red flag. The next highest job in the search was around $10. Here is a picture for your enjoyment. Take note of the green ovals:

Why yes Kirby, I would Love to make $50 dollars by giving you a screenshot of my credit card info and social security number! That sounds like a GREAT deal!!!

Are you kidding me Kirby?

Just don't give this to one of those 7th graders.

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